Why is MS Dynamics NAV ideal for utility billing?
Published: 03/03/17
Microsoft Dynamics NAV is the one of the most popular ERP systems in the world, with a fast-growing user base. As of 2015, there were over 110,000 companies using the product, more than twice as many as use Microsoft Dynamics GP, the next most widely used package in the range.
An increase of more than 16,000 new customers in just two years represented 17% customer growth during the 2013-2015 period, a rate that any company would be pleased with - especially for such a well established product.
So what is it that makes MS Dynamics NAV such a popular choice for companies throughout the world and why does it work so well for our own enterprise utility billing software, Jenworks?
The shortest answer is flexibility. When Jendev launched over 20 years ago, we understood that billing systems weren't just elements that utility companies could chop and change at a moment's notice: they are something that organisations invest in for the long term.
We understood that it was our duty to use a platform that would provide the flexibility needed to support our clients for decades, regardless of the wider technological changes that would take place.
A good example of this adaptability is the Cloud. Back then, in the mid-1990s, the Cloud wasn't something that people were talking about - it simply wasn't on most companies' horizons. Microsoft however, was on top of the game and MS Dynamics NAV has proven that it has the flexibility to adapt to today's Cloud-based environment.
Understanding the global technology roadmap
Coupled with flexibility comes the assurance that partnering with Microsoft provides.
Whilst the majority of organisations would not have heard of the Cloud twenty years ago, there's every likelihood that Microsoft knew exactly where the digital world was heading. There are few companies that can match Microsoft's understanding of the global technology roadmap, making it a strategically good decision to base our products upon their platform.
Any discussion about what makes MS Dynamics NAV the ideal platform for 110,000 companies cannot overlook the excellent balance that Microsoft has given to an application that's aimed wholly at the enterprise sector.
The functionality v customisation trade-off
All too often, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages either sacrifice high-levels of functionality in order to provide greater customisation capabilities, or vice versa. NAV manages to provide both, giving it the flexibility to be used for specific market segments.
Today, you can see NAV being used by companies across the full range of industries and markets, and we can assure you that it excels in our own specific market - the utility industry.
Usability is key
MS Dynamics NAV is also highly usable, which is crucial for our clients. Over the years, it has taken on more of the appearance of MS Office - possibly the world's most popular software package - and is therefore easy for our clients' users to adapt to.
On top of this, Microsoft can be relied upon to constantly update its software, rectifying usability problems and patching security issues, both of which are of the highest importance for Jendev customers.
Over two decades as a Microsoft partner and MS Dynamics NAV developer, the team at Jendev is convinced that there is no better platform for our utility billing solutions.
Find out how you could benefit from MS Dynamics NAV
If you'd like to know more about our utility billing software or CRM systems, both of which are based on MS Dynamics NAV, then call us today on +44 (0) 1534 505350. We'd be pleased to talk with you.
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ForNAV make tools for running, creating and modifying reports for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. ForNAV - reports made easy.
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