Renewable Energy Storage Predictions
Published: 27/01/15
NBC News reported this week that alternative energy watchers are making bold predictions about the potential industry value for storage of renewable energy from wind and solar.
Most proponents of smart grid architecture have outlined the need to store renewable power to offset instances were renewables are off-line, (assuming that nuclear / fossil fuel sources are not available or desired). But the technology has to date been lagging behind the need. It has simply been too expensive to create a commercially viable and scalable storage option. Is all that about to change?
Certainly there is now an increased appetite to exploit the potential of energy storage. On a small scale there would appear to be domestic demand where renewable technology is in place. However according to NBC there is significant interest at a Government and utility company level. If energy storage technology is to leap forward, it is the incentives offered by Governments and the financial investment available from utilities that may make a significant difference.
What is certainly true is that although massive investment is required, the need for storage exists and demand is growing. It will be interesting to see how this feature of the renewables / smart grid landscape evolves in the coming years.
Read more here.
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