A Tale of Two Islands
Published: 10/04/17
There's no clearer example of the fact that no two islands are alike than these contrasting stories from the Isle of Eigg in Scotland and Stewart Island in New Zealand.
Improbable as it may seem, Eigg has hit the headlines because it's using renewable energy to meet 95% of its energy needs. In contrast, Stewart Island has had to accept a report that advises that there's no possibility of finding a feasible renewable energy replacement for its diesel generators.
Diversity & individuality
Different geographies, different climates, different cultures and different infrastructures make every island's story its own - something that Jendev, as an island-based business, fundamentally understands.
The incredible diversity and individuality of islands means that we could never adopt a one-size-fits-all approach to our utility billing software. Instead, we work closely with our clients to provide the systems they need - crucial in this time of enormous change in the energy sector.
Speak to us!
Jendev has over two decades of experience designing utility billing software powered by Microsoft Dynamics NAV, specialising in island communities and geographically independent regions.
Contact us on +44 (0) 1534 505350 to discover how we can help you with your utility billing solutions.
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